Reviews are in: LEGO City Undercover

Game Informer: 8.5/10 - "It isn’t perfect, but I can’t think of another Wii U game that I’d recommend more than Lego City Undercover. [...] Now kids (and their parents) can tool around in a big town where people smile even as you almost run them over in an ice-cream truck."

Polygon: 7/10 - "Considering it has to avoid the salacious scenes and hyper-violence used to spice its genre brethren, Lego City Undercover is pretty darned impressive. But it's hard not to be a disappointed that Lego City Undercover doesn't play more to Lego's strengths, trading the carnal for the creative or the wanton for wonder."

Joystiq: 3/5 - "...TT Fusion is, quite appropriately, building towards something more with Undercover, something that really shows Lego games can stand on their own two leg blocks. It just isn't there yet."

Edge: 5/10 - "...for parents and adults, Undercover is a less inviting prospect, even with its satirical undertone. It’s a plastic facsimile of GTA – a game that was hardly humourless to begin with, and one that has already spawned a genre’s worth of more sophisticated rivals and clones."

IGN: 8/10 - "Undercover’s story is an incredibly entertaining homage to countless movies and television shows, and manages to feature a very strong cast of characters – no small feat considering the game has no major license associated with it."

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