finally here!

You've probably already noticed the new changes to the site. Some changes are cosmetic like the new look, and some are new features like the "Most Popular This Week" bar found on the right.

What you may not have noticed is that we now have our own domain! will now be our new home instead of the long blogspot url we used to have.

Another addition is the tabs found at the top. You can now choose to see only the news for a specific platform if you wish.

The final addition is still somewhat in beta but it's there if you need it. It's the mobile version to our site. If you're looking at our site from a mobile device like a phone it should automatically load up, if it doesn't you can just click on the "View Mobile Version" link under the Mobile Site section on the right bar.

Well, that's about it. Hope you like the changes and make sure to update your bookmarks if you need to.

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